1_soon to publish

human torch15

Human Torch #15, cover date spring issue, release date 4/15/1944, courtesy of Billy Parker

military 31

Military Comics #31, cover date August, release date 5/30/1944, courtesy Billy Parker


Police #31, cover date June, release date 4/8/44, courtesy of Billy Parker


Characters from Okajima covers

From left: The hero, “Red Dragon” (not shown) shoots flesh-dissolving rays at an enemy Japanese soldier. The story begins:  “I…Bob Reid…better known to the bestial Japs as the Red Dragon…” precedes his smashing the boneless Japanese. Middle: The Fighting Yank punches an enemy soldier, saving a woman in distress. Right: Woman in red dress fights off Japanese soldier who attacks blond man bearing gun with bayonet on Fight Comics cover, 1943.