5_Michiko's Wedding Photo


Kimiko Kitagaki awaits departure by bus in one half hour to Tanforan. 5/6/1942, Oakland, CA.
photo: Dorothea Lange


Awaiting their turn for baggage inspection at the preliminary detention center in Turlock, CA. 5/2/1942.
photo: Dorothea Lange


Tagged with registration numbers, Sakutaro Aso, 70, and his grandsons, Shigeo Jerry Aso, 3, and Sadao Bill Aso, 6, await the bus to Tanforan. 5/8/1942, Hayward, CA.
photo: Dorothea Lange


Nailing the hayloft door on the morning of the forced removal. 5/9/1942, Centerville, CA.
photo: Dorothea Lange